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Borrower Limits:
Up to 20 books, 10 audio books, 5 music CDs, 5 DVDs, and 2 games can be borrowed simultaneously.
There is a 3 item limit for new patrons.

Item Loan Periods: 
All books, Books on CD, Music CDs, non-fiction DVDs, and Video Games may be borrowed for 21 days. Fiction DVDs may be borrowed for 7 days.  No patron may borrow materials on any card other than their own.

Item Reservation:
Books, audio books, and mobile hotspots are the only items that may be reserved. When an item is placed on reserve, the requester is notified when they become available. After notification, the requested items are held in reserve for a maximum of 3 days before being returned to regular circulation.

The library and its staff members are not responsible for any damages which may occur to patron DVD or CD players due to library material use. If a patron loses, damages, or refuses to return library materials, that patron will be charged the replacement cost of said library materials. The library ma
y cancel all patron privileges for violation of library rules.


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