Submit a Genealogy Request
Genealogy requests are for people who want information about ancestors from Warsaw, KY. We use Ancestry Library and the family records that we have in-house. We are unable to obtain copies of obituaries, birth certificates, death certificates, and marriage certificates; refer to for those inquiries. Due to the size of our staff, we are only able to search for up to two ancestors of interest, and spend up to two hours per request. The more information you provide in the message box, the more we will be able to help.
Item Requests & Interlibrary Loans
Card holders in good standing may request 1 item per month. Requests over this limit will be denied. Requests may also be denied due to price, limited availability, and library discretion.
If the item you want cannot be requested, consider an Interlibrary Loan (ILL).
Card holders in good standing may request up to 15 ILL items at a time. Once delivered, card holders have 3 days to retrieve ILL items from us before they are returned to their lending library. All requested ILL items must be returned before additional ILL items can be requested. Card holders cannot request best sellers, popular items, or items recently adapted to film. Lending libraries may deny ILL requests at their discretion.
For more information, see our policy list under 'About Us > Our Policies.'
Ask About Outreach
Outreach services are available to disabled or elderly residents of Gallatin County who do not have transportation to the library. If you would like to see if you qualify for outreach services, please fill out the form to the right and a staff member will be in touch with you.